Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac

Using TeamViewer for your business or profession – including accessing your home computer from work or connecting to a Windows Server operating system – or for any purpose for which you directly or indirectly receive compensation constitutes commercial use and requires subscription license in accordance with the End User License Agreement. It appears TeamViewer is being used in a commercial environment. TeamViewer is offered free of charge to everybody for personal, non-commercial use – and most of our users play by the rules by purchasing a license if they intend to use TeamViewer for commercial purposes. Remove 'Commercial use suspected'/'Commercial use detected' warning on teamviewer 13 - Maybe this not passed in the heads of the TeamViewer team, or something like this. And even when doing some remote support for anyone, I suggested to they use TeamViewer and a lot of these people did so, acquiring a proper license. But when I started to have serious problems with TeamViewer (like this “Commercial Use Suspected!”).

  1. Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected
  2. Teamviewer Commercial Use Fix
  3. How Do I Get Rid Of Commercial Use Suspected Teamviewer
  4. Teamviewer Non Commercial Use
  5. How To Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected

Teamviewer is the all in one remote support software which helps to connect anyone’s desktop or laptop computer remotely from any where online. Undoubtedly its one of the most trusted, secured, best remote support application which is available now and also offers free version for personal use, not for commercial use.

Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected

How to Stop Showing Commercial Use Suspected Warning

Here is Some valid examples of how to use teamviewer as free user.

  1. Helping you friends and relatives remotely
  2. Connecting to your private home PC from school, university or vacation

Teamviewer says that “Basically commercial use is anything where money is involved”. As teamviewer (personal) free user, you are allowed to connect only minimum number instances with various computers in a specific time frame.

If you are using the teamviewer to connect with various computers (your friends and relatives) in short span of time for educational or personal use, You might get pop-up warning such as “Commercial Use Suspected” and connectivity may slow down or connection will be terminated after some time.

Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Mac

Here is the quick steps about how to get rid of “Commercial Use Suspected” warning and continue to use the teamviewer as free version. The instructions specified here, intended for educational purpose only. Never use for commercial purposes without proper license.

Teamviewer Commercial Use Fix

Teamviewer Commercial Use Suspected Warning Message

You might experience annoying warning as shown above when you are try to connect with your friends through teamviewer. Below specified instructions for advanced users only and we are not responsible for any data loss occurs when you follow the steps and always recommend you to take a whole registry backup before to proceed the steps.

Step 1 : Close and exit your teamviewer application if it is running
Step 2 : Click Windows Start > Run and search with %appdata% variable and find the teamviewer folder and delete it.

Step 3 : Beware, This step is very important and have to follow instructions with caution. (Better take a backup of your registry) Click Windows Start > Run and enter “regedit” and click OK. Find the registry entry located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > teamviewer and remove the registry folder.

Remove Teamviewer Registry Entries

Step 4 : Change the MAC address (ID) of your Ethernet card and restart your computer. If you doesn’t know about how to change your MAC ID, Follow this link to learn about it.

TeamviewerTeamviewer commercial use fix

Once your restart the computer, run teamviewer and connect with anyone else remotely. You won’t be getting any annoying pop-up such as Commercial Use Suspected warning no more appears till you start connecting with various computers in short span of time.

Repeat the above specified steps again, if you gets similar warning message in near feature. Enjoy your remote session without any interruption.

1> First Close Teamviewer, if it is running.

2> Click on Start –> Run –> type %appdata% –> delete TeamViewer folder


3> Delete registry folder: hkcu/software/teamviewer

4> Delete registry folder: hklm/software/teamviewer

5> Change the MAC Address of your LAN card,

How Do I Get Rid Of Commercial Use Suspected Teamviewer

You Can DownLoad MAC Address Changer Form Follow Link :

Teamviewer Non Commercial Use

How To Remove Teamviewer Commercial Use Detected

6> Restart your Teamviewer and you should get a new ID and also should solve the “Commercial Use Suspected” problem